
Product Information Management Software

What is Product Information Management Software?

Product information management (PIM) software helps businesses manage and centralize product data from multiple sources into a single system of record. This…

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Why is marketing data-driven nowadays?

In order to promote the growth of modern businesses and activities, it is currently increasingly favourable to implement various action plans and…

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Marketing automation : what is it ?

Adapted marketing automation strategies are a very effective way to implement your marketing strategies. What do you need to know about this…

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Why is social selling important in a business ?

In order to attract the attention of various targets, your offer must be more personalised every day and give very special attention…

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Inbound marketing : to attract customers !

The inbound marketing strategy can help you increase and develop your overall sales. It is a cost-effective solution in the long term….

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How to store product data in one place?

PIM, which stands for Product Information Management, is a comprehensive tool for managing, centralising and storing product information in one place. The…

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