The cloud refers to virtual storage technology. In contrast to data bases, it is sufficient to rent online data storage space. Ease, convenience and security are also guaranteed, while costs are reduced. This has a positive effect on internal work.

Increased and strengthened security

The Cloud is a secure solution because the risks of attack or intrusion are reduced. You could say that they are avoided. Even though there are many cybercriminals stealing data from the Internet, the Cloud is still the safest possible option because the external servers are also safe. The confidentiality of the users is ensured as well as the protection of the information that circulates on them. It is up to the cloud provider to guarantee this security by using encryption security systems or data centres. In any case, cloud technology meets European standards for data security and digitisation. This means that it is well designed, secure and efficient.

Lower user costs

With the cloud solution, you don't have to buy or rent a server. Even updates of security software or programs used for production are no longer necessary. This significantly reduces a company's data storage costs. The service is usually offered on a monthly subscription basis. The company does not buy specific equipment, but rents resources and services as well as a virtual infrastructure. This also reduces the investment in IT equipment and the budget for maintenance and upgrades.

A clear improvement in collaborative working

The cloud is also perfect for collaborative work within a company. It is no longer necessary to be in the same location to work on the same project. Cloud computing makes it possible to concentrate and centralise work on a single database in the cloud. All that is needed is access, including the link to the file, login details and passwords. This responds to the imperative of human evolution and above all to the progressive digitalisation of several areas. A connection medium or terminal such as a computer or tablet and an internet connection are required. This allows the company to remain active every day and 24 hours a day, which also improves productivity and efficiency in general.